Protective Style Challenge: Week 6 Rolling Mohawk

I get a lot of inspiration for my hairstyles from the internet. Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and of course right here on this blog. We choose people for our Natural Spotlight feature based on the versatility of their styles. Last weekend we featured Nwaugo whose updo’s I’ve always wanted to try and I decided this week was as good as any to do so.


I washed my hair with bentonite clay this weekend, applied leave in conditioner and finished by sealing with shea butter and my oil mixture. I wanted smooth, stretched hair but would rather not use heat so I decided to use curlformers instead. I installed the curlformers on damp hair after applying flaxseed gel to each small section.


Step 1:

Divide the hair into three fairly equal parts. Tie the back two parts into two little puffs. If you want really smooth edges you should probably brush the hair first. I don’t own a brush so I had to work with what I had.


Step 2:

Roll and pin the hair in the puffs down to create a Mohawk effect. There’s no real method here, just pin and work the hair to get a look that you like.


Step 3:

Create a pompadour in the front. I decided to try a very loose braid pinned down to the side. You can roll and pin or have a giant flat twist.


That’s it. Very simple and I think very elegant too.



4 responses to “Protective Style Challenge: Week 6 Rolling Mohawk

  1. Pingback: Protective Style Challenge: Week 33; Textured Frohawk | ZedHair·

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